6 essential training commands every dog should know

FFranklin November 10, 2023 7:02 AM

Training your dog can seem like a daunting task, especially if you're a first-time dog owner. But don't worry, it's not as difficult as it may seem. The key to successful dog training lies in effective communication and understanding your dog's behavior. In this article, we'll explore the six essential training commands that every dog should know. These commands will not only help in handling your pet but will also ensure their safety.

Positive reinforcement in dog training

Before we jump into the commands, it's important to understand the concept of positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your dog for good behavior, which encourages them to repeat it. Rewards can be anything your dog loves - treats, toys, or praise.

1. Sit

The first and perhaps the most basic command is 'sit'. This command is crucial as it can keep your dog calm in various situations. Here's a simple way to teach the 'sit' command:

  • Stand in front of your dog holding a treat.
  • Raise the treat slightly above their head and say 'sit'. Your dog will naturally go into a sitting position.
  • Once they sit, immediately give them the treat and praise them.
  • Repeat this a few times every day until your dog sits on command without needing a treat.

2. Stay

'Stay' is another essential command that can keep your dog safe, especially in potentially dangerous situations. Here's how to train your dog to 'stay':

  • Ask your dog to sit.
  • Open your palm in front of their face and say 'stay'.
  • Step back a few steps and if your dog stays put, reward them with a treat and praise.
  • Increase the distance and duration over time.

3. Come

This command is particularly useful in calling your dog back to you if they have slipped their leash or if you have lost sight of them. Training your dog to 'come' is straightforward:

  • Use a leash and collar for this command.
  • Squat down to your dog's level, look them in the eyes, and say 'come' in a happy and exciting voice.
  • Gently pull on the leash. When your dog comes to you, reward them with a treat and praise.

4. Down

The 'down' command is slightly more challenging to teach as it puts your dog in a submissive posture. However, it's essential for their obedience. Here's a method to teach 'down':

  • Hold a tasty treat in your closed hand.
  • Hold your hand up to your dog’s snout and let them sniff it.
  • Move your hand to the floor so they follow.
  • Slide your hand along the ground in front of them to encourage their body to follow their head.
  • Once they are in the 'down' position, say 'down' and give them the treat and lots of praise.

5. Leave it

This command is important to prevent your dog from grabbing potentially harmful things. Here's how to teach 'leave it':

  • Place a treat in both hands and close your fists.
  • Present one of your hands to your dog and say 'leave it'.
  • Ignore the behaviors they display to get the treat, and once they stop and pull away, say 'yes', open your other hand, and give them the treat in it.
  • Repeat until your dog moves away from the first fist when you say 'leave it'.

6. Heel

'Heel' is a useful command for keeping your dog from pulling on the leash during walks. Teaching this command requires patience:

  • Start your walk as usual.
  • When your dog pulls at the leash, stop and call them back to you.
  • When they come back and are at your side, say 'heel' and reward them with a treat.
  • Resume walking. Repeat the process each time your dog pulls on the leash.

Remember, training your dog requires patience, consistency, and love. Don't punish your dog for mistakes; instead, reward them for their successes. With time and effort, your dog will become a well-behaved member of your family.

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